Courses at Universidad Carlos III and Complutense de Madrid

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In Madrid, you will be enrolled in two universities:

Exam system


Language course

There is no intensive course of Spanish before the start of classes. In Spain you only have the "Language and Culture" course during the first semester, 3 hours per week. This course takes please at Complutense.

First Master

Courses at Complutense

  • Classical Electrodynamics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Introductory Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Language and Culture
  • Computational Physics
  • Laboratory Project
  • Experimental Techniques

Elective Courses at Complutense

Courses at Carlos III


Second Master

Courses at Complutense

During your second master year, there is only one course given at Complutense:

  • Language and Culture: Spanish (6 ETCS)

Courses at Carlos III

All the scientific courses of the second year are given at Carlos III:

  • Turbulence in Plasmas (3 ETCS)
  • Advanced Materials for Fusion (3 ETCS)
  • Fusion Reactor Physics (6 ETCS)

Other courses

Some courses are not linked to either university like the educational events and the Master thesis: