Courses at Universidad Carlos III and Complutense de Madrid
In Madrid, you will be enrolled in two universities:
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Exam system[edit]
There are two exam periods; in January and late May-early June. Some courses (e.g. Classical Electrodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Atomic Physics) have midterms as well, during November-December and March-April. Some courses (e.g. Statistical Physics) do not have a final examination in the sense of a test, just a presentation along with delivered exercise sets, some lab work etc.
Language course[edit]
There is no intensive course of Spanish before the start of classes. In Spain you only have the "Language and Culture" course during the first semester, 3 hours per week. This course takes please at Complutense.
First Master Year[edit]
Courses at Complutense[edit]
1st Semester :
- Classical Electrodynamics
- Fluid Dynamics
- Introductory Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Language and Culture
2nd Semester :
- Material Physics
- Statistical Physics
- Computational Physics
- Experimental Techniques
Elective Courses at Complutense[edit]
- Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics It is possible to replace one of the courses with this course (for example the Language & Culture for native Spanish speakers)
Courses at Carlos III[edit]
1st Semester :
- Classical Electrodynamics
- Plasma Physics
- Fluid Dynamics
2nd Semester :
- Computational Physics
- Laboratory Project (also in CIEMAT)
- Experimental Techniques (also in CIEMAT)
Second Master Year[edit]
Courses at Complutense[edit]
During your second master year, there is only one course given at Complutense:
- Language and Culture: Spanish (6 ETCS)
Courses at Carlos III[edit]
All the scientific courses of the second year are given at Carlos III:
- Turbulence in Plasmas (3 ETCS)
- Advanced Materials for Fusion (3 ETCS)
- Fusion Reactor Physics (6 ETCS)
Other courses[edit]
Some courses are not linked to either university like the educational events and the Master thesis:
- Master thesis (30 ETCS)
- Joint Experimentation and Analysis Session (Prague) (6 ETCS)
- Joint Practicum (CEA, Cadarache) (6 ETCS)