Stuttgart: Installing Konika Minolta 423 printer in Linux

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General guide to install the big printer in Stuttgart[edit]

-Install CUPS using in your terminal: aptitude install cups

-Download the .ppd file from the manufacturer webpage and extract it

-Go to your favorite browser (i.e. Firefox) and open CUPS by inserting 'http://localhost:631/' in your navigation bar

-Follow the route: Adding printers and classes -> Add printer

-Pick up the printer 'KONICA MINOLTA bizhub 363(7F:3B:FF)' from the list and click on 'Continue'

-Check the name and description and click on 'Continue'

-Select the manufacturer 'KONICA MINOLTA' from the list and browse the file that you just downloaded which is located, normally, in: '$/BH423PPDLinux_100000000/English/CUPS1.2/KO423UX.ppd'

-Modify your default (printing) configuration at will

-Edit the CUPS configuration file by using in your terminal: nano /etc/cups/printers.conf

-Change the device URL to: 'DeviceURI lpd://' where the ip is the current (21/10/2014) printer's ip

-Restart the CUPS by using in your terminal: /etc/init.d/cups restart


Note: this guide was tested on Debian Linux and it should work for any Debian based distributions such as: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.