Prague Event

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In December, you will go to IPP Prague for a two-week event. You will be assigned one or two partners and an experiment. This event is very hard, and also an incredible opportunity to really dig into interesting research on a great training tokamak.


At the end of these two weeks you will give a talk (~10 minutes per person) and will be graded based off this talk. As far as we can tell, in previous years we have been graded by the current head of the program who will not be there during the two weeks but only for the grading event. Over the next month, you will then be responsible for a written report of your research. The report is about 4 pages per person, and the grade will be merged with the one from your talk.


Practically, you will be staying in a hotel that is a 10 minute walk from the Institute. Therefore, no metro tickets are needed for this travel. The internet isn't always great in the hotel, it depends on which room you got and how close it is to the router. The rooms are shared with 2 people, the division is made between the students or according to the "arrived first, picked first" rule. Men and woman are separated.


It is not necessary to change/withdraw a lot of Czech koruna since you will receive money on the first day which should be sufficient for the two weeks. There is no microwave or fridge at the hotel, however breakfast is provided by the hotel every day. For lunch usually all students go to a local pub or restaurant which are very cheap. For dinner there is a big supermarket around the corner and some more restaurants.

Enjoy eating out and drinking beer during every meal!

Future research

In some cases, it is possible to continue the research after the event has ended and to get your paper published.