Atomic and Molecular Physics

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This course is taught primarily by Veronique Van Speybroeck with a few introductory lessons on quantum mechanics given by Paul Matthys. The first few classes will be given by Professor Matthys in "De Sterre", afterwards, Professor Van Speybroeck will take over at "Zwijnaarde". They will both be giving you an oral exam with written preperation at the end of the semester followed by a written exercise exam based off the exercise sessions you get throughout the year.

While Veronique Van Speybroeck will use her own set of course notes ( a printed out copy of her slides), the overall course will essentially cover chapters 4-11 of Bransden and Joachain's "Physics of Atoms and Molecules."

Depending on your background, this will mostly likely be your hardest course in first semester of first year.

Even though Professor Van Speybroeck may seem like a very strict person, once you get in one room with her during the exam she is quite lovely to have a chat with about the course. Professor Matthys however will somethimes hold grudges against certain people which might result in harder questions depending on whether he likes you or not.