Housing in Nancy

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No matter where you stay, all students are eligible for monetary assistance to pay for housing. It usually comes up to 200 Euro a month, and retroactively covers previous months of rent so make sure to work on this!

If you are sharing a house or apartment with a group of students, all members of the group may apply for assistance, provided their names appear on the rental contract (lease). Each student must apply individually. Married couples submit just one application.

Applications for assistance must be completed on the Web site of the family assistance fund (CAF, Caisse d'allocation familiale) within 3 months of taking possession of your lodgings.

Student Housing

Students will usually be put in 3 Rue Mademoiselle CS 5217 54052 NANCY CEDEX. The original cost is 400 Euro a month, but CAF can help you with that. You have a private shower and bathroom and a very minimal kitchen. Parties are not allowed, and the internet is heavily Firewalled leading previous Fusioneers to either buy their own private internet subscription or use a [ https://www.torproject.org/ Tor Network] to tunnel through the firewall.

The building is notorious among Fusioneers for it's "insane asylum feel."

Private Market

A Guarantor is generally required to rent an apartment on the private market. The Guarantor must be living in France and agree to pay your rent in case you do not cover it. This requirement can often be waived by agreeing to an additional safety deposit of a months rent.

The best website for finding housing (as well as other knick-knacks) is: LeBonCoin When searching through it remember that the the postal code to Nancy is 54000.

The housing codes (T2 T3 F2 F3...) that you will see while walking around can be understood as follows. T stands for "type" (apartment) while F stands for "foyer" (house) and the number after (T/F) refers to the number of rooms. The only difference in practice seems to be that the kitchen is a bar-like for "T" and for "F" its a proper kitchen. The letters are used sloppily however, and the only importance is the numbers, which tell you how many rooms the apartment has.